CIPD Manchester branch event: ‘Lived perspectives on mental health and wellbeing’

One in four people suffer from mental health problems at any one time in the UK.  There is a growing recognition of the stigma that is attached to mental health issues through campaigns like #timetochange and the Talking Heads charity, which has received prominent media coverage thanks to the support of Princes William, Harry and… Continue reading CIPD Manchester branch event: ‘Lived perspectives on mental health and wellbeing’

Being neither up nor down: reflections on job searching limbo

Oxford defines the word ‘limbo’ as ‘an uncertain period of awaiting a decision or resolution; an intermediate state or condition’.  According to this definition ‘limbo’ has neither a negative or positive connotation. Another definition from the same source, Oxford, equates limbo with ‘a state of neglect or oblivion’.  It might seem appropriate to… Continue reading Being neither up nor down: reflections on job searching limbo

Green shoots need nurturing

Job searching can prove troublesome, especially for career changers. Getting noticed can be tough. Even when there is something that seems to fit securing an interview can be tricky, especially when recruiters canvass according to a strict criteria of ‘must have’ essentials where role specific experience, rather than looking at aspiring candidates’ potential, takes precedence.… Continue reading Green shoots need nurturing

People buy people before they buy products and services: my five top human centric HR hashtags to follow

Twitter is awash with hashtags, many of which fail because they simply sell a product or service. It is my belief that the hashtags that work are the ones which bring people together, encourage collaboration and celebrate difference.

It’s not just what you do that counts…

Self-help and motivational literature often rightly accentuates the positives; the things people do well and which have led them to succeed in one field or another in the past. It is my supposition that, in many instances, we are as often defined by what we do not do, as what we actually do. This can… Continue reading It’s not just what you do that counts…

Eight ways to really put the Human back into HR

The head of the CIPD, Peter Cheese, outlined several themes, which are shaping the future of work, in a typically engaging and authoritative speech entitled ‘Putting the Human back into HR’ at Leading the Way, a joint Acas, CIPD and Liverpool Law Society conference at the Museum of Liverpool on December 1st.  I have summarised some… Continue reading Eight ways to really put the Human back into HR

Soft Skills Matter Most

“Social interpersonal skills key. Having socially skilled line managers is key.” Professor Sir Cary Cooper CBE made an inspiring appeal for organizations to take more care of their employees’ wellbeing work in an entertaining and insightful opening address at this year’s CIPD Conference in Manchester on Wednesday, November 4th, 2015.  The talk was entitled ‘Mental… Continue reading Soft Skills Matter Most

Top seven HR ‘themed’ songs

In need of some light-hearted, non-taxing conference respite?  You have come to the right place.  Here are my top seven HR ‘themed’ songs in no particular order. What do you think?  Sharing with the hastages #HRsongs and #cipd15 on Twitter.  Feel free to play along… Joe Smith and The Believers, Walk A Mile In My… Continue reading Top seven HR ‘themed’ songs